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English Lenguage challenges

In my own experience with english classes, I can say that I'v learned a lot about how to explain myself in english, maybe in the past I was able to read and speak in english, but that ability has been improved a lot. The blogs are a really good way to improve the speech, in the past months, I'v known some new words, new meanings, new ways to say something that I have in my mind. English has a lot of importance in the present, is the main lenguage in about all internationals enterprises, it is used in a lot of places, countrys, web pages and more, nowadays, to learn english is a must in about all colleges, and that haves a reason. Personally I use english a lot in web pages, online games, movies and series, I enjoy seeing entire movies without captions!
Recent posts

Changes to my study programme

The world changes, and we need to move with it, otherwise our ways to think will become obsolete. That's the principal reason to think in how we will adapt to the future, our life style will change soon, one reason of this is that we are humans, and humans think, that's why our society has change a lot since we started to use fire or sticks. Thinking in the present, specifically in the career I'm in. Chemistry is a science, and science changes more quickly than other things, so we need to adapt sometimes, and a way of doing that is changing a little the study programme. In my opinion, the actual programme of my career is just nice, but in the future it will need to change. Maybe we need more preparation at chemistry applied to the enviorement preservation, or maybe we'll need more preparation at how to teach people in other countries or places. Obviusly the changes I'm talking about are possibilitiesin the future, but mostly we need to detect what we need in t

In my opinion

What is your opinion about climate change? In my opinion, climate change isn't something new, it is a natural cycle, but in the present, a big part of the problem is created by the humans, and we must take the responsabilities about it. We are changing the enviorement, and the natural beings are suffering the consequences. This problem is just getting worse, and we need to do something about it. What is your opinion about recycling? One of the problems in our society is that we don't care about what we left behind. Most of the things that we use are made of polymers, and that kind of things are really harmful to the enviorement. So, in my opinion, recycling must be an obligation for all the cultures, it's the least we can do to respect the planet where we live. What is your opinion about Immigration? The world doesn't below to nobody, and that's the main reason why immigration is just a problem for the mind of people that only thinks about themselfs. We need to lear


Depression is a real sickness, that is able to take a person by surprise and destroy his self-esteem. Is more than being "sad" some days, are a whole group of bad feelings about ourselfs or about the people that sorrounds us. This sickness hits all kinds of people, no matter age, race, gender or sexual orientation. That's becouse we all have feelings, we all feel things, and that things can affect us more than we think that they could. To fight depression we use science, an antidepressant, your new best friend. But is that an efective way of solve the problem? It isn't, this sickness is really hard to overcome, maybe the best way of doing it, is by being with people, someone that's special to you and can help you. Depression is really hard to recognize, you can think that you'r just sad, but if that feel persist over time, you must be worried, keep in mind that depression can impact in anybody. If people is afected by depression, the work force of them w

Post Graduate Studies

Maybe I'm still young but in the future I would like to have a PhD, becouse it will be really important to my professional career. Perhaps I will want to do research, I would really like to do a thing like that. I would like to earn a PhD in chemistry, but I don't really know what is my favourite subject, mainly becouse I'm a noob at this. Right now I'm interesed in quantum mechanics, but it seems to be really difficult. We all know that in Chile the science isn't that important, that's why i would like to study maybe in England or United States, I'm not afraid of traveling and if I choose to go away, my family will support me (I think so). I would like to dedicate all my time to my studies, but maybe I would need time to do another kinds of things, so I would prefer a B-System. I'm scared of not having the time that I need to have a normal life But, nowadays I want to finish my studies, play Bloodborne and Dark souls 3. I really apreciate how

My future job

I would like to work in a university, being a scientific and doing research in a laboratory, doing that and teaching science I will be happy with myself (maybe). It would be awesome! Or, maybe I would like to be a chef, in a good restaurant or a hotel, I really like to cook. When I was younger I'had that dream, for a long time really, like three or four years. Then I know science and I fell in love of it I'm not really afraid of work indoors for a long time, but I would like to travel a lot, to visit Europe, Asia and North America, especially U.K. and Germany. The problem is that we are in Chile, and doing science maybe I will starve... But doing whatever I like is my priority. Right now I'm doing what I like, studying chemistry in this university, only the time will say what I will do, but I'm thinking in walk the path of science. But, the true is that my only objective is keep doing whatever I really want to do, that's the only way to show to the world wha

My favorite kind of music

Music is an important part of our lifes, we all love music. There's a lot of styles and bands to be heard, doesn't matter what you want to hear, there's a band of it. In fact, I hear a lot of music, all kinds and styles... But the one that I like the most is the metal, I listen to it since I was like six years old and I'd always love it. I like the sound of the guitars, drums and bass with really powerfull riffs, awesome solos and good lyrics. I play some instruments, like the guitar, bass and drums, and I really like the bass, is really fun to play it. Integrantes de Tool At the present time, my favorite band is Tool, a prog-(weird)metal, is really recognized around the world, for a lot of reasons, I'm waiting to the day that they will come to Chile, I need to go to that concert. I like a lot of music, so all the music that I heard when I was younger still in my mp4. I think that the best movie song of all the times is and will be "All st