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Showing posts from August, 2018

English Lenguage challenges

In my own experience with english classes, I can say that I'v learned a lot about how to explain myself in english, maybe in the past I was able to read and speak in english, but that ability has been improved a lot. The blogs are a really good way to improve the speech, in the past months, I'v known some new words, new meanings, new ways to say something that I have in my mind. English has a lot of importance in the present, is the main lenguage in about all internationals enterprises, it is used in a lot of places, countrys, web pages and more, nowadays, to learn english is a must in about all colleges, and that haves a reason. Personally I use english a lot in web pages, online games, movies and series, I enjoy seeing entire movies without captions!

Changes to my study programme

The world changes, and we need to move with it, otherwise our ways to think will become obsolete. That's the principal reason to think in how we will adapt to the future, our life style will change soon, one reason of this is that we are humans, and humans think, that's why our society has change a lot since we started to use fire or sticks. Thinking in the present, specifically in the career I'm in. Chemistry is a science, and science changes more quickly than other things, so we need to adapt sometimes, and a way of doing that is changing a little the study programme. In my opinion, the actual programme of my career is just nice, but in the future it will need to change. Maybe we need more preparation at chemistry applied to the enviorement preservation, or maybe we'll need more preparation at how to teach people in other countries or places. Obviusly the changes I'm talking about are possibilitiesin the future, but mostly we need to detect what we need in t

In my opinion

What is your opinion about climate change? In my opinion, climate change isn't something new, it is a natural cycle, but in the present, a big part of the problem is created by the humans, and we must take the responsabilities about it. We are changing the enviorement, and the natural beings are suffering the consequences. This problem is just getting worse, and we need to do something about it. What is your opinion about recycling? One of the problems in our society is that we don't care about what we left behind. Most of the things that we use are made of polymers, and that kind of things are really harmful to the enviorement. So, in my opinion, recycling must be an obligation for all the cultures, it's the least we can do to respect the planet where we live. What is your opinion about Immigration? The world doesn't below to nobody, and that's the main reason why immigration is just a problem for the mind of people that only thinks about themselfs. We need to lear